Do I or don't I? (slight rant and kinda long)

on 5/7/12 11:37 am - IL
Hello ladies and gents,
I have a question pretaining to pregnancy after WLS.
Here is a quick backstory on me...
I am 29 1/2 and approved for RNY.  I am still waiting on surgery date.  My husband and I have been trying for 3 years to concieve on our own.  I went through all the testing with a fertility specialist and her findings are that the only reason I cannot concieve is because of the excess weight that is preventing me from ovulating.  I am having this surgery basically so I can get pregnant.  I have been to 7 gynos in the past 5 years. I have had problems with heavy bleeding, debilitating cramps and my periods are always late. I have had these problems since I started having my period 20 years ago. I have been hospitalized a few times in the past 2 years for the horrible cysts that form on my ovaries and make my life a living hell when I am supposed to be ovulating.  So here is my problem.

I believe I have endometriosis.  I show most if not all of the symptoms. I know the only way that it can truely be diagnosed is if a laproscopy is performed .  I have asked all 7 of the docs to do it for me! They will not!  It can be controlled with the Pill, but since I want to concieve they dont want to put me on it.  My bariatric surgeon has even told me that when he is inside me doing the RNY he will peek down with the instruments to see if he can detect anything. Its sad that this is not even his job and he will look for me!!! You think a doc would want to do the procedure just to get the money!  I am so sick of the pain.  I have had three operations on my spine in the past 4 years. I will be in pain for the rest of my life, and I know that. I can cope with that because I know what I have is hereditary.  Just want a diagnosis, notthing else.

Thanks for listening(reading) I hope I can get some feedback from you ladies and gents. 
You, I've mistaken for destiny, but the truth is my legacy is not up to my genes...


Nikki M.
on 5/7/12 2:33 pm
I'm sorry you are going through infertility and possibly endometriosis :( I really hate it how dismissive some doctors can be and just blame everything on being overweight! Sigh. I'm sorry you haven't gotten a more thourough exam or surgery to identify the problem.
After you lose the weight and if you are still having symptoms, maybe your doctor will be more willing to do the surgery to check? Good luck to you!

Lapband 8/2007. Revised to VSG 10/2010.... 170 pounds lost!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

on 5/7/12 10:19 pm - Rockport, WV
Getting pregnant is one of the reasons that I had WLS. It does help after you lose most of your weight. I can't begin to understand the frustration you are going through to find a doctor that will help you. It's hard enough being criticized for your weight. I'm dealing with fertility issues right now and going through some tests. You are still young but I understand your anxiety about it and hope you get some answers soon

on 5/7/12 11:26 pm - DFW, TX
Have you tried a Reproductive Endocrinologist? Not just a regular OB but an RE? Their job is to get to the root of the problem. Then once you're pregnant they want to keep you that way.....having all issues resolved beforehand helps get you pregnant AND makes for a healthier pregnancy as well. They have a vested interest. If you lived by me I'd get you the name of my RE. I know that he'd look further for you. Hopefully you can find one in your area that can do the same. I'd keep seraching until you find the right doctor. The first being so that you CAN get pregnant, secondly that you can STAY pregnant and third so that YOU are COMFORTABLE with their care. If I had an OB/GYN dismiss my concerns about gyn problems I'm not sure I'd put my unborn child's care into their hands. 

Good luck! Hopefully all of your issues will resolve by themselves with your surgery and weight loss. 


The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney">;10728;28/st/20110112/n/Blake/dt/-1/k/3fb3/s-age.png">>

on 5/8/12 2:30 am, edited 5/8/12 2:30 am - CA
Hi Stephkaz,

So Sorry this is so long I just had to share. I have been reading the posts on this site for months now, but never decided to join until I read your story. I felt like I needed to respond to your post as we must be long lost identical twin sisters haha :) My story is almost a mirror image of yours.

I am in my 20's married and trying ttc for almost 5 years now. I started my period very early at the age of 7 and have always had very heavy and irregular periods. After ttc for 2 years my husband and I visited a fertility specialist and were told (after spending buko bucks$$) that the reason I was not ovulating was strictly my weight (at the time 260) Hearing this I of course started yet another diet; which was nothing new for me as an obese women I was use to the yoyo diets. I was determined to lose weight to have a baby, but found it so much harder than I expected. I would loose 15 lbs and nothing would change in my cycles, and then put on 25 from being depressed about not conceiving. It truly was a vicious cycle(praise the men who have stated with us through this journey!!)

My Gyno did a laproscopy to check for endometriosis as my grandmother had this, and I did not have it although my symptoms would suggest this.

After trying clomid and metform for a few cycles(this took almost a year as my cycles were so unpredictable) I decided I could not handle the emotional ups and downs that came with those drugs and decide to go back to my original though "It will happen when it is meant to happen." Last summer my boss at work had suggested, to anyone interested, to have them listen to her WLS story and I was driven to go to my pre-op classes. I had a vertical sleeve done on 2/9/12 and have gone from weighing 278 lbs to 205 lbs and am so thankful for this blessing.

The reason I choose VSG as apposed to RYN was strictly because my surgeon and I knew my want to conceive. While the textbook tells you to wait 12-18 months to get perggers, my md said that with VSG it would not be the end of the world if I got preggers sooner as long as my major weight had come off. He was so supportive but did tell me not to try for a few months. I thought I had already prepared myself for the fact that your cycles will be out of whack after the surgery, considering they already were, but in my mind that meant I would become regular right away and get preggers after a few months.

I am not preggers, and I know many people on this site will probably stone me for even thinking about getting preggers this soon, but I trust my md, body, and my god above all else. I wish your doctors would test you for endometreosis to, if nothing else, ease your mind. I cant imagine how hard that must be as you know your body better than anyone else and just want a simple yes or no. I think that WLS is a great tool to help women like us finally conceive, and I hope it works out for you as well. Also I dont know if you have looked into the VSG as well, but it is not a malabsorvitive procedure and that was one reason my MD said I didnt need to wait a year.
on 5/9/12 12:08 pm - IL
Its refreshing to hear from someone in an almost identical boat.  I figure that I still have a little bit of time before mother nature decides to go completely insane and cause me a hysterectomy.  My mom had endometriosis that was never  diagnosed. 8 miscarriges and when the doctor said she had no chance whatsoever of getting pregnant ever again, I showed up (on her wedding night with my dad of all times) I was truely a miracle baby and God most certainly had something to do with it.
I feel so bad... My mom wants a grandbaby so bad, now that she has had cancer she knows that she is on slightly borrowed time.  My mother-in-law had 3 children, with only my husband surviving infancy.  A baby would be a blessing to our family.  Its like everyone is counting on me.
You, I've mistaken for destiny, but the truth is my legacy is not up to my genes...


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